Online Security Training in Hamilton

Why Choose Third Watch Protection Services For Online Course?

By taking our online course, it means that you will be using a blended approach to learning from the comfort from your own home and increasing your chances of success. Third Watch will utilities several different approaches to learning that are students focused, including a multimedia approach as well as testing along the way that will ensure you understands that the material being taught.

Third Watch student focused to increase your chance of succeeding with employment.

Benefits of Online Course:

  • Avoiding extra expenses and save time on traveling to physical classroom training.
  • You can set your own schedule to complete the required tasks at your own pace.
  • All students will have access to the course for up to one year online training.
  • All students will have access to 800 line to talk to the online facilitating company for any questions regarding the course and technical problems.
  • All students will be able to do a live chat 24/7 and classroom forum to communicate with other online students.

Employment Opportunity

As a Security Company, we can hire successful candidates or refer you to several companies across Ontario. Beware of other companies who guarantee jobs.


First Aid and CPR

Part of the 40-hour, Mandated Syllabus is an 8-hour First Aid and CPR component which must be completed in a class setting.

For more information on their course, please visit:

For another alternative for students, the Canadian Red Cross also offers a First Aid and CPR course.

To learn more about their course and find a Canadian Red Cross near you, please visit:

License Test

Once you have completed your training with us, you will be required to complete your Mandated Test 24 hours later, you will be able to see how you did and apply for your physical license to work.

For details on the Serco Des Test, please visit:

To apply for your license with the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, please visit: