25 FAQs About Security: Everything You Need To Know – Part One

This blog post is the first in a series dedicated to addressing 25 frequently asked questions about Security Guard Services in Ontario. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and essential information to help you make informed decisions about your security needs. For concise, accurate, and engaging content that bridges the gap between your curiosity and knowledge about security guard services in the region.

Why is a security license important for someone working as a security guard?

A security license is a crucial requirement for anyone seeking to work in the security industry. It serves as a guarantee that the license holder has completed the necessary training and passed background checks required for the job. This licensing process is essential for maintaining the safety and protection of people and property. By ensuring that security professionals are qualified and trustworthy, the licensing system also contributes to the overall professionalism and integrity of the security industry. In this way, security licenses help to build public trust and confidence in the ability of security professionals to handle sensitive situations and protect the well-being of individuals and communities.

What is the purpose of due diligence before hiring a security provider?

Due diligence is a crucial process that involves thoroughly investigating and evaluating the competence, credibility, and reliability of a security provider before hiring them. This process entails examining the provider’s track record, qualifications, experience, and reputation to ensure that they can meet the specific security needs and expectations of an organization. By conducting due diligence, organizations can reduce the risks of hiring an incompetent or unreliable security provider, thereby protecting their assets and ensuring the safety of their people and property. A comprehensive due diligence process can provide organizations with the confidence they need to engage the services of a security provider, knowing that they have made an informed decision based on thorough research and evaluation.

What should I do if I suspect I have been charged for a phantom security guard?

To prevent being charged for a phantom security guard in the future, establish clear communication with your security provider and regularly review your bills and contracts. Request detailed reports of guard activity and ensure that all charges align with the agreed-upon services. Consider implementing checks and balances, such as surprise inspections or audits, to ensure that the security services you’re paying for are actually being provided. If the issue is not resolved, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or contacting a lawyer.

Is it important for security guards to wear their uniforms at all times?

Absolutely, security guards must always don their uniforms while on duty. Uniforms serve a dual purpose; firstly, they act as a visual deterrent to potential criminal activity, and secondly, they help establish trust with customers and employees. By wearing a uniform, a guard is easily identifiable, which in turn helps establish their authority and accountability. Conversely, if a guard is not in uniform, they may not be immediately recognized as a security officer, which could hinder their ability to perform their duties effectively. In essence, a security guard’s uniform is a crucial component of their job, serving to maintain order, ensure safety, and promote trust.

What can I do if I find that the security guard at my condo has poor communication skills?

If you have security concerns about your condo’s services, it’s crucial to address them respectfully and constructively with the management or responsible organization. By scheduling a meeting with the relevant authority, you can discuss your observations and work together to find potential solutions. They may not be aware of the issue, and your feedback could be appreciated. By taking this approach, you can help ensure the safety and security of your condo community while maintaining a positive and collaborative relationship with the management.

What are the consequences of a security guard lying on their report?

Security guards who lie on security reports risk disciplinary action, including fines, suspension, or license revocation under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act (PSISA). False statements in such reports can also lead to civil or criminal charges, depending on the gravity and nature of the untruths. Misrepresentation in security reports is regarded as misconduct, and security guards found guilty of this offense could face severe consequences. These penalties serve as a deterrent to security guards against dishonesty and ensure the credibility of security reports.

I have homeless people loitering in front of my building and the security guard is not doing anything to remove them. What should I do?

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Speak with the security guard: The first step is to speak with the security guard to understand why they are not taking action to remove the homeless people from the property. It may be that they are not aware of the issue, or they are unsure of the best course of action.
  • Contact the security company: If the security guard is unable to resolve the issue, contact the security company and express your concerns. They may be able to provide additional training or resources to help the guard deal with the situation.
  • Contact local law enforcement: If the security guard and the security company are unable to resolve the issue, you may need to contact local law enforcement. They can provide guidance on how to handle the situation and may be able to assist in removing the homeless people from the property.
  • Seek legal advice: If the situation continues and you are unsure of how to proceed, consider seeking legal advice. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and options and provide guidance on how to handle the situation.

It is important to approach this situation with compassion and understanding. While it is important to ensure the safety and security of your building and its occupants, it is also important to recognize the complex issues that contribute to homelessness and to seek solutions that prioritize the well-being of all individuals involved.

Are there legal options for removing a tent city from my property?

Yes, if people are illegally occupying your property, you have the right to take legal action to remove them. This typically involves obtaining a court order to evict the individuals and have them removed by law enforcement. However, the process for removing a tent city can be complex and time-consuming, and it may be necessary to work with an attorney or law enforcement agency to ensure that the eviction is carried out in accordance with federal, provincial, and local laws.

Is it fair to generalize all security companies based on the actions of a few?

It is inappropriate to make sweeping assumptions about all security companies based on the conduct of a few. The security industry consists of a diverse range of companies and individuals, each with unique values, methods, and views on safety. It is crucial to differentiate between the actions of a select group and the broader industry, avoiding unfair stereotyping or stigmatization. This approach ensures a fair evaluation of the security industry, acknowledging the differences among its many members.

How can the security industry build a reputation of trust with the general public?

The security industry can build trust with the general public by consistently delivering high-quality services, being transparent about their practices and policies, and maintaining strong ethical standards. This can be achieved through regular communication, community outreach, and by providing education and resources to help people better understand the importance of security.

Are security guards allowed to force a person to stop recording?

Recording activities in public spaces is generally protected, provided that no laws are being violated. If a security guard encounter an individual recording in a public area, you cannot compel them to cease recording or erase the footage. However, if you have concerns about potential disturbances or trespass on private property, you should promptly inform your supervisor or contact law enforcement for assistance.

How can I tell if a security guard is just doing their job or if they are on a power trip?

A security guard’s behavior can reveal their true motivations. When they act respectfully, communicate clearly, and adhere to protocols, they are fulfilling their professional duties. However, when they exhibit excessive aggression, impose unreasonable demands, or abuse their authority, it suggests a desire for power rather than a dedication to security. Such actions undermine trust and professionalism, creating a negative experience for those they are meant to protect.

What should I do if I witness a security guard using profanities while on the job?

In the event you observe a security guard using inappropriate language while on duty, it is crucial to take action. Begin by documenting the incident, noting the date, time, and exact words used. If there were any witnesses, obtain their contact information. After gathering this data, you can file a complaint with the security company or the establishment where the guard is employed. It is important to maintain a calm and professional demeanor throughout the process. Witnessing a security guard using profanities is a serious matter and addressing it in a timely and respectful manner can help ensure a safe and respectful environment for all.

Does Third Watch Protection Services take complaints seriously?

Third Watch Protection Services takes all complaints extremely seriously, as we are committed to delivering exceptional security services. The company recognizes the importance of promptly and effectively addressing concerns and issues to uphold their reputation and fulfill their service commitments.

By prioritizing complaints, Third Watch demonstrates its dedication to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. Swift and effective responses to complaints allow the company to identify and rectify any potential issues, ensuring that their security services consistently meet the highest standards. This commitment to excellence fosters trust and loyalty among clients, making Third Watch a reliable partner in security services.

In essence, Third Watch Protection Services has established a robust complaint handling process as a critical component of its service delivery. Clients can rest assured that their concerns will be met with diligence and priority, further enhancing the company’s reputation for quality and reliability.

What should I do if I catch a security guard sleeping on the job?

When you encounter a security guard who is asleep while on duty, your initial action should be to gently attempt to rouse them and remind them of their responsibilities. In the event that they do not wake up or decline to resume their duties, it is important to take the matter further by reporting the incident to their supervisor or the company that has employed them. This will ensure that the appropriate action is taken and that the necessary measures are put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future. By handling the situation in a respectful and professional manner, you can help to maintain the integrity of the security protocols and protect the safety of everyone involved.

What should I do if I am confronted by a security guard who is using excessive force?

Maintaining composure and adhering to security personnel’s directives, as much as feasible while ensuring your safety, is vital if they resort to excessive force. Prioritize your wellbeing; if you perceive danger, strive to safely extricate yourself. Reporting such incidents to the security firm and law enforcement is imperative to address potential misconduct and ensure accountability. Bear in mind that excessive force is unacceptable and necessitates prompt attention to safeguard everyone’s welfare. Should injuries occur, seeking medical assistance becomes crucial. Furthermore, consulting an attorney to explore potential legal recourse may be advantageous.

What are the consequences for a security guard who works without a valid license in Ontario?

Working without a legitimate security license contravenes the Private Security and Investigative Services Act. This infraction may lead to an array of penalties, including monetary fines, temporary or permanent suspension of the license, and even the possibility of facing criminal charges. The legislation is designed to ensure that security service providers maintain high professional standards and adhere to legal requirements. Any breach of these regulations may result in severe consequences, extending beyond occupational repercussions and potentially leading to involvement with law enforcement agencies.

How can I verify if a security company is licensed and in good standing in Ontario?

The ‘Search a Licensee’ feature on the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services website serves as an effective means to verify the licensing and standing of security companies. By utilizing this tool, you can ensure that the security company you’re considering meets the required standards and is duly licensed. This process helps you make an informed decision when choosing a security company, ultimately providing you with peace of mind regarding their legitimacy and reliability.

What happens if a security guard in Ontario refuses to show their security license?

In Ontario, security guards are legally obligated to carry and present their license upon request from a member of the public or a police officer. Failure to do so can have serious consequences for both the guard and their employer.

Penalties for non-compliance can include substantial fines, suspension or permanent revocation of the security license, and other disciplinary actions. This underscores the importance of security guards adhering to the law and carrying their licenses at all times.

Why are security guards in Ontario not allowed to call themselves security officers?

Ontario’s Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services oversees the security guard profession through the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005. This legislation mandates licensed security personnel to use the term ‘security guard’ instead of ‘security officer.’ The purpose of this distinction is to standardize terminology and maintain clarity within the industry. This ensures that the public understands the specific role and responsibilities of licensed security professionals.

Police officers throughout Ontario have the option of issuing tickets for violations of the Private Security and Investigative Services Act.  For individual offenders, convictions under Part III lead to a fine of up to $25,000, imprisonment for up to one year, or both.

How can I find a reputable security concierge service?

When searching for a security concierge service, thorough research is necessary. Start by examining various companies, perusing their websites, and reading reviews from past clients. This will provide insight into the company’s reputation, reliability, and quality of service. Moreover, ensure that the company is licensed and insured, which guarantees legal operation and financial protection. Additionally, seek out businesses that employ certified security professionals. These individuals possess verified skills and knowledge in the security field, ensuring a higher level of service and expertise. Ultimately, investing time in research and verification will lead to a more informed decision and a secure environment.

What should I do if I suspect that a security provider is unprofessional?

If you suspect that a security provider is lacking in professionalism, it’s important to take action. First, contact the relevant regulatory bodies in your area to file a complaint. This will help ensure that the provider is held accountable for their actions and can prevent similar issues from occurring in the future. Additionally, you should consider finding a new security provider that better meets your needs. Look for a company with a strong reputation for professionalism, as well as one that offers the specific services and level of support that you require. By taking these steps, you can help protect yourself and your interests, and ensure that you are working with a security provider that you can trust.

Why is it important for security guards to follow the Ontario Use of Force Model?

Adhering to the Use of Force Model is crucial for Ontario security guards to determine the most suitable force level for each circumstance. This approach helps mitigate the risk of injury for all parties involved, including guards, suspects, and bystanders. Furthermore, it ensures that guards operate within the legal framework and their professional responsibilities, preventing unnecessary escalation and promoting safety and accountability. By following this model, security guards demonstrate a commitment to responsible force application and upholding the principles of their role in maintaining order and protection.

Do I need a Security Guard License to apply for a position in Ontario?

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services in Ontario mandates that all security guards must possess a valid license to be able to work in the province. This regulation is in place to ensure that security personnel meet certain standards and qualifications, enhancing the safety and protection of the public. Security companies are responsible for verifying that their guards hold a valid license, and failure to comply can result in penalties. It is crucial for both employers and employees in the security industry to adhere to this requirement and maintain up-to-date licenses to continue operating within the province’s lawful boundaries.

Are there any additional fees for Third Watch Protection Services’ security services?

Third Watch Protection Services prides itself on transparency and does not include any hidden fees in its pricing. While this is typically the case, there may be exceptional circumstances that require additional costs. These situations may involve the need for special equipment or resources specific to a particular job. In such cases, Third Watch Protection Services is committed to discussing and agreeing upon these extra charges with clients beforehand. Clients will be fully informed of any additional costs and will have the opportunity to approve them prior to the start of the job, ensuring there are no unexpected expenses. By maintaining open communication and transparency, Third Watch Protection Services aims to build trust and long-term relationships with its clients.

What are the consequences of using an unlicensed security company?

Choosing an unlicensed security company for your protection needs can have significant negative consequences. Firstly, the services provided by such companies are likely to be of poor quality, as they may not have the necessary expertise, training, or adherence to industry standards. Secondly, there is a lack of accountability with unlicensed companies, making it difficult to seek recourse in case of unsatisfactory service or damage to property. Additionally, the use of unlicensed security companies can lead to potential legal issues, as they may not follow the required regulations and protocols, leaving you vulnerable to legal repercussions.

Moreover, employing an unlicensed security company can pose serious risks to your safety and security. These companies often lack the required training, experience, and insurance needed to provide adequate protection. This means that their security personnel may not be capable of effectively responding to threats or emergencies, putting you, your property, and those around you in jeopardy.

To avoid these risks, it is essential to ensure that the security company you choose is licensed, insured, and enjoys a good reputation in the industry. A licensed company guarantees that it has met the necessary legal requirements and adheres to industry standards, while insurance coverage provides financial protection in case of accidents or damages. Furthermore, a reputable company is more likely to offer high-quality services, ensuring your safety and security are in good hands. Always verify a security company’s credentials before entering into a contract to protect yourself from potential pitfalls and hazards.

If you are interested in the new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email mail@thirdwatchprotection.com to get started!