Film, TV Production & Movie Security Services in Hamilton

We are an Experienced Security Company Working in the Greater Hamilton and Nearby Areas

Third Watch security guards will secure your filming location and protect your cast, crew, and equipment.

On-location shooting presents unique threats and risks; in turn, Third Watch offers patrol tours, standing guard placement, and post-order duties to maximize our surveillance and minimize the opportunities for theft, trespassing, vandalism, disturbances, and other unwanted activity. Security personnel will confirm IDs of all members of your unit and turn away and expel unsolicited intruders.

Some of the duties our guards includes:

  • Close Protection Personnel
  • Crowd Control Guards
  • Traffic Management Plans
  • Film and Television Guards
  • Security Drivers and Escorts
  • Traffic Controllers

Contact us today to learn more about our film and tv production security services. We proudly work with clients within the Greater Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Burlington, Oakville and Niagara areas.

Request An Estimate

Company Address
Number Of Guards Per Shift
Please tell us the number of security guards and supervisors you need.
How Many Hours Per Shift
How Many Mobile Patrols Per Shift?
Is This A Take Over Contract?
Type Of Contract ?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do You Have All The Necessary Checkpoints in Place ?
Give Us A Brief Description