25 FAQs About Security: Everything You Need To Know – Part Three

Welcome to the third edition of our 25 Frequently Asked Questions series! In this installment, we explore security guard services in our region. We’ve gathered a selection of thought-provoking questions and answers to address your concerns and enhance your understanding of these services. With clear explanations and informative insights, we aim to connect your curiosity with the knowledge you need. Enjoy discovering more!

Does Third Watch Protection Services allow its security guards to wear the Blue Lives Matter flag on their protect vests?

No, Third Watch Protection Services does not allow its security guards to wear the Blue Lives Matter flag on their protect vests. The Blue Lives Matter flag is considered a political statement, and the company does not support or endorse any political affiliations.

Third Watch believes in maintaining neutrality and impartiality in all aspects of its operations, including political matters. Allowing the display of political symbols, such as the Blue Lives Matter flag, could potentially alienate or offend clients, employees, or members of the public, which goes against the company’s commitment to providing unbiased and professional security services.

Can a security guard in Ontario place a suspected criminal in the back of their patrol vehicle?

According to Ontario law, security guards are not authorized to detain individuals they suspect of criminal activity within their patrol vehicles. This authority is strictly reserved for law enforcement personnel, such as police officers. Although security guards are vital in ensuring safety and order, they are not permitted to carry out detentions or transport suspects; such actions must be handled by trained law enforcement officials. It is essential to understand the boundaries of a security guard’s legal responsibilities and powers. Their role is to observe, report, and help maintain public safety, not to enforce the law in a manner that could overstep their jurisdiction. Recognizing these limitations helps to ensure that security personnel operate within the law while cooperating effectively with law enforcement agencies when necessary. This understanding promotes a safer environment and clarifies the distinct roles of security guards and police officers.

How can I find a reputable security provider if the one I’m considering has negative reviews?

To identify a reliable security provider, begin by seeking recommendations from trustworthy individuals, including friends, family, and professional contacts. Additionally, consult industry organizations or local business directories to find listings of licensed and insured security companies. These resources can help ensure that you select a provider with a solid reputation and the necessary credentials to meet your security needs. By leveraging personal connections and reputable directories, you increase the likelihood of finding a security service that is both dependable and qualified. Taking these steps will guide you toward making an informed choice for your security requirements.

If my security provider was onsite when theft or vandalism occurred on my property, but they don’t have commercial insurance, who is responsible?

In this scenario, your security provider could still be liable for not preventing theft or vandalism, regardless of whether they hold commercial insurance. However, taking legal action and obtaining compensation could prove difficult without an insurance policy in place. While you can sue your security provider for their negligence, the challenge lies in collecting damages if they lack the financial resources to satisfy a judgment. Thus, while legal recourse is possible, the effectiveness of such action may be limited by the security provider’s financial situation.

What are the consequences of poorly trained security guards in first aid?

Inadequately trained security guards in first aid can lead to severe consequences. During emergencies, an untrained guard may fail to deliver effective medical assistance, potentially resulting in serious harm or fatalities. Furthermore, guards lacking proper training may be prone to errors while administering first aid, which can exacerbate the situation and endanger others. This highlights the critical importance of thorough first aid training for security personnel to ensure they can respond effectively during emergencies, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of those they are meant to protect. Ensuring proper training can mitigate risks and enhance overall safety in emergency scenarios.

What should I do if I suspect a security guard is using my WIFI to watch and download movies?

Before taking any steps, ensure that your suspicions are valid. Begin by observing your WIFI usage for any unusual spikes in data consumption. If you find evidence that a security guard is accessing your WIFI without permission, address the issue directly by asking them to cease. Should they decline, you may need to change your WIFI password or reach out to your internet service provider to restrict access to your network. Taking these measures will help protect your internet connection and ensure that only authorized users can access it.

What is the PSISA and what is its role in regulating security companies in Ontario?

The Private Security and Investigative Services Act (PSISA) is a regulatory framework in Ontario that oversees the private security sector. Enforced by the Ministry of Solicitor General, the PSISA establishes licensing requirements and regulations for security companies and their personnel. Its primary aim is to ensure that these entities adhere to specified standards of conduct and professionalism, promoting accountability and public trust in the security industry. By setting these guidelines, the PSISA helps maintain integrity and safety within the community, ensuring that security services operate effectively and ethically.

Should a security guard make fun of someone with a disability?

Absolutely not. Mocking someone with a disability is both disrespectful and unacceptable. Security personnel must uphold a professional demeanor, treating everyone with kindness, respect, and dignity, regardless of physical or mental challenges. Our company’s policy includes strict rules against such behavior; security guards who make fun of individuals with disabilities may face disciplinary measures, including termination, depending on the severity of the incident. Furthermore, they could encounter legal repercussions if their actions are deemed discriminatory or harassing under relevant laws. Maintaining a compassionate and respectful environment is essential for all.

What should I do if I feel like a security guard is racially profiling me?

If you believe a security guard is racially profiling you, the key is to remain calm and composed. Reacting with anger or aggression can worsen the situation. Focus on documenting the encounter by noting the time, location, and any specific remarks or actions by the guard. If it’s safe and legal, consider taking photos or videos to support your account. This documentation can be crucial for addressing the issue later. Remember, staying collected and gathering information are essential steps in dealing with potential profiling incidents effectively.

What is one line a security guard should never cross?

A security guard must prioritize impartiality and objectivity in their duties. Maintaining a neutral position is essential, as it prevents bias during conflicts or incidents. This approach cultivates an atmosphere of fairness and trust, allowing all parties involved to feel acknowledged and respected. By committing to neutrality, security guards enhance their credibility and contribute to de-escalating potentially tense situations. Remaining unbiased is crucial not only for preserving the integrity of the security profession but also for fostering safe and harmonious environments for everyone. The effectiveness of a security guard is greatly enhanced when they ensure that their actions and judgments are fair and balanced. Ultimately, their ability to uphold these principles not only reinforces their professionalism but also promotes a sense of community and peace among those they are tasked with protecting.

What happens if a security guard continues to work without a valid security license, after it has been revoked by the PSISA?

In many jurisdictions, it is against the law for security guards to perform their duties without a valid security license, which is a mandatory requirement for the role. If a security guard is caught working without this essential license, they could encounter serious legal repercussions, such as fines or penalties. Furthermore, the security company that employs the unlicensed guard may also face ramifications for failing to adhere to licensing regulations. This compliance is crucial, as it not only ensures the integrity and professionalism of security services but also protects the rights and safety of the public. Therefore, both individual security personnel and their employers must remain vigilant about maintaining the necessary licensing to operate within the law.

What should I do if a security guard smells strongly of body odor?

If you notice a security guard has a noticeable body odor, you can kindly bring it to their attention and suggest they freshen up. However, if the odor is strong enough to cause discomfort or make it hard to breathe, it may be best to distance yourself and report the matter to their supervisor or management. It is indeed appropriate to address this issue respectfully, keeping in mind that body odor can be a sensitive topic for some. If the smell is overwhelming, prioritize your well-being by moving to a different area or stepping outside for fresh air. Once you’re in a more comfortable environment, consider informing management or the guard’s supervisor about the situation.

What should I do if a security guard is harassing me, but I did nothing wrong?

If you find yourself being harassed by a security guard despite having done nothing wrong, it’s important to remain calm and ask them politely to clarify their actions. Should they fail to provide a legitimate explanation, you have the right to request a conversation with their supervisor or manager. While it is generally permissible for a security guard to approach or question anyone, as long as it’s conducted professionally and respectfully, the situation changes if they resort to intimidation or harassment tactics. Such actions may be deemed illegal and can infringe on your rights. Always prioritize your comfort and safety in these interactions. Remember, clear communication can help resolve misunderstandings, and seeking higher authority can be an effective way to address inappropriate behavior.

Is it within the rights of a security guard to place their knee on the back of someone’s neck during an arrest?

Security guards are generally not authorized to utilize knee-to-neck restraints during an arrest, as this method is considered excessive force. Such restraints are typically justified only in specific, life-threatening scenarios where an individual poses a significant risk to officers or others, particularly if they are actively resisting arrest. However, knee-to-neck restraints can lead to severe injury or even death, particularly if used for an extended duration.

This type of restraint drew considerable attention in 2020 following the tragic death of George Floyd, a Black man who died in police custody after a Minneapolis officer knelt on his neck for several minutes. This incident ignited global protests against police brutality and has prompted calls for reform in law enforcement practices, particularly concerning restraint techniques.

If you observe a security guard employing a knee-to-neck restraint, it is imperative to document the event by taking photos or videos and notifying the relevant authorities, such as the security company’s management or local police. Additionally, it is essential to prioritize the safety of everyone involved and refrain from intervening directly unless necessary to prevent harm.

What colour of uniform shirt should security guards wear while on duty in Ontario?

In Ontario, security personnel are prohibited from wearing black uniform shirts or black t-shirts while on duty. Charcoal gray shirts are also not permitted, as they can appear black in low light conditions. Security guards must wear uniforms that are easily identifiable, ensuring they can be recognized as part of the security team. Typically, uniform shirt colors include blue or white, although variations may exist. It’s crucial for security personnel to verify and adhere to the specific uniform requirements of their employer or client, as guidelines may differ across organizations. Proper uniform compliance not only enhances visibility but also maintains professionalism within the security sector, helping to establish trust and authority in their roles. Overall, adherence to these regulations is essential for a uniform appearance that effectively represents their position in maintaining safety and security.

What are the consequences for illegal security companies in Ontario?

Security firms operating without a license or breaching the PSISA regulations may encounter various repercussions, such as financial penalties, license suspension or revocation, and potential legal action. The PSISA adopts a strict approach towards unlawful security practices, striving to uphold uniform high standards for all security companies in Ontario. By enforcing these regulations, the PSISA aims to maintain a professional and safe environment within the security industry, ensuring that companies adhere to established guidelines and contribute positively to public safety. Compliance is essential for fostering trust and integrity within the sector.

Can a security guard question a minor without a parent present?

Rules surrounding the questioning of minors by security guards can differ based on location and specific situations. Typically, security personnel may question a minor if it’s deemed necessary for their safety or related to legal matters like shoplifting. However, the minor has the right to remain silent and is not obligated to answer questions. In serious circumstances, particularly those involving potential criminal charges, it is advisable for a parent or legal guardian to be present. If approached by a security guard, the minor should stay calm and respectful. They should assert their right to remain silent until they can consult with a parent or guardian. If the situation is serious and involves possible criminal implications, the minor should specifically request to speak with a lawyer before providing any information.

Can security companies in Ontario make false statements or lies about a competitor?

In Ontario, security companies are prohibited from engaging in slander or making false claims about their competitors, as such actions are viewed as unethical and can be classified as defamation, which is illegal under Canadian law. If a security firm suspects that a competitor is spreading false information about them, they have the option to consult legal professionals. Legal action for defamation may be pursued, depending on the circumstances. Additionally, the affected company can report the issue to appropriate regulatory authorities, including the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Private Security and Investigative Services Office. It is essential for companies in the security industry to maintain ethical standards and resolve disputes through proper legal channels rather than resorting to damaging rhetoric against competitors. Proper conduct contributes to a professional environment and helps uphold the integrity of the security sector in Ontario.

Why is it wrong for security guards in Ontario to transport suspected criminals to a police station?

In Ontario, it is inappropriate for security guards to transport suspected criminals to a police station for various reasons. First and foremost, security guards lack the legal authority to carry out such actions, and attempting to do so could lead to significant legal repercussions for them. Additionally, the transportation of suspected individuals can pose safety risks, and security personnel are not adequately trained to manage these high-stakes situations. Finally, transferring a suspect to the police station could jeopardize the integrity of the investigation and the potential prosecution, as this is a duty designated specifically for law enforcement officers. By adhering to their defined roles, security guards can help ensure that suspects are handled appropriately and that the legal process is maintained without compromise. In summary, it is essential for security personnel to refrain from actions that could overstep their legal boundaries and endanger public safety.

What are some common crimes committed by security guards in Ontario?

In Ontario, security guards, who are often entrusted with ensuring safety and security, may sometimes engage in criminal activities. Some of the most prevalent crimes associated with security personnel include theft, where they unlawfully take property from individuals or businesses; assault, involving physical harm to others; and fraud, which entails deception for personal gain. Additionally, there are instances where security guards impersonate police officers, leading to a breach of trust and authority. These actions not only undermine the credibility of the security profession but also pose a serious risk to public safety. The complexities of their role, combined with the potential for abuse of power, necessitate strict regulations and oversight. By addressing these issues through comprehensive training and accountability measures, the integrity of security services can be upheld, ensuring that they effectively contribute to the safety and protection of the communities they serve.

Do in-house security guards in Ontario need to hold a valid security license?

In Ontario, in-house security guards must possess a valid security license, as mandated by the Ministry of Solicitor General. This requirement ensures that all security personnel in the province adhere to established training and security standards. To obtain their license, in-house security guards must complete a mandatory training course that includes essential topics such as emergency response, use of force, and legal aspects of security work. Additionally, candidates must meet other eligibility criteria set by the Ministry. Once they have successfully completed the training and passed the necessary background checks, individuals can apply for their security license through the Ministry’s online portal. This process aims to promote a higher level of professionalism and competency among security personnel, thereby enhancing overall public safety within the province.

What should I do if a security guard touches me without my consent?

If a security guard makes physical contact with you without your consent, it’s important to stay composed and request an explanation for their actions. Communicating calmly can help clarify the situation. If you feel that the security guard’s behavior was inappropriate or unwarranted, don’t hesitate to file a formal complaint with the security firm or the property owner associated with the incident. Documenting your experience can be beneficial for any future actions. In cases where the security guard’s conduct may be illegal, it is advisable to reach out to law enforcement authorities to report the incident. They can provide guidance on the next steps and ensure that your concerns are addressed appropriately. Remember, you have the right to feel safe, and taking action can help protect not only yourself but also others in the community.

Can a security guard in Ontario pull someone over while in a patrol vehicle?

In Ontario, security guards lack the power to stop vehicles or conduct traffic stops; such authority is reserved for law enforcement officials, like police officers. If a security guard attempts to pull you over, it’s important to stay calm and cooperative. However, remember that they do not possess the legal authority to carry out traffic stops or make arrests. If you find yourself in a situation where your safety feels compromised, you have the option to continue driving until you reach a well-lit, public area before stopping. It’s advisable to prioritize your safety above all. Additionally, if you notice any suspicious or unlawful behavior, you should report it to the police. Being aware of the limits of a security guard’s capabilities can help you navigate such encounters appropriately and ensure your well-being. Always trust your instincts in potentially dangerous situations and seek help when necessary.

Can a security guard sic their K9 on a person who has done nothing wrong?

Under no circumstances should security guards utilize their K9s to intimidate, threaten, or attack individuals who have not engaged in any unlawful behavior or do not pose a threat. Such actions are deemed illegal and represent an inappropriate and excessive use of force. The role of security personnel is to maintain safety and order, not to instill fear or coerce individuals who are innocent of any wrongdoing. Misusing a K9 in this manner undermines public trust and can have serious legal repercussions for both the security personnel and their employer. It is crucial for all security staff to understand and adhere to the guidelines regarding the proper use of their K9s, ensuring that their actions align with legal standards and ethical practices in the field of security.

What is the company’s policy if a security guard violates the hands-free policy by placing their hands on someone?

Third Watch Protection Services prioritize adherence to our policies, including our hands-free policy, and we treat any violations with utmost seriousness. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved. Should it be determined that a security guard has breached this guideline by physically placing their hands on an individual, we will take such an infraction very seriously. The consequences of such actions can lead to a range of disciplinary measures, which may ultimately extend to termination of employment if deemed appropriate. We are committed to maintaining a respectful environment, and our policies are designed to protect both employees and clients alike. Consequently, we expect all staff members to uphold these policies diligently. Any failure to comply will not be tolerated, and we will act decisively to ensure that our standards are maintained. Our goal is to foster a workplace culture that values respect, safety, and accountability. By enforcing strict consequences for violations, we aim to deter any behavior that contradicts our commitment to a safe and secure environment for all. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in upholding these vital policies.

If you are interested in the new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email mail@thirdwatchprotection.com to get started!