25 FAQs About Security: Everything You Need To Know – Part Two

Welcome to the second installment of our 25 Frequently Asked Questions series! In this edition, we explore security guard services in our area. We’ve gathered a collection of insightful questions and answers to address your concerns and enhance your understanding of how these services can fulfill your needs. With concise explanations and engaging insights, we’re here to connect your curiosity with the knowledge you seek.

Are security guards legally allowed to search individuals or their belongings?

Security guards typically lack the legal power of law enforcement officers to perform searches. Their search authority is limited to situations where individuals grant consent or when authorized by the policies of both the employer and property owner.

This limitation on security guards’ search authority is crucial to acknowledge. They can only search individuals or their possessions if the person willingly consents or if the search is permitted by the guidelines set by both the employer and the property owner. This distinction highlights the significance of individual consent and established policies in the conduct of searches by security guards.

Are security guards in Ontario regulated by a government agency?

In Ontario, security guards are regulated by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, which requires them to possess a valid license and adhere to strict guidelines and regulations regarding their training, behavior, and authority. The ministry is responsible for investigating complaints against security guards and administering disciplinary action against those who breach the rules. This regulation ensures that security guards in Ontario maintain a high standard of professionalism and conduct.

Do security mobile patrol vehicles have the authority to run stop signs and red traffic lights while responding to an alarm call?

In Ontario, security mobile patrol vehicles lack the authority to drive through stop signs and red traffic lights while answering an alarm call. This limitation exists because security guards are classified as civilians, and their vehicles do not qualify as emergency vehicles. Consequently, they are required to obey all traffic laws and regulations, similar to any other driver. The importance of adhering to traffic rules cannot be overstated, as it helps maintain road safety and prevents needless risks.

Security mobile patrol vehicles that violate traffic laws while responding to an alarm call can be subject to fines, charges, or even suspension of their driving privileges, depending on the severity of the violation. They may also be held liable for any damages, injuries, or fatalities that result from their actions. Additionally, their employer may face fines, lawsuits, or damage to their reputation. It is important for security mobile patrol vehicles to follow all traffic laws and regulations, even in emergency situations, to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Can security guards in Ontario legally impersonate police officers?

In Ontario, security guards do not possess the right to impersonate police officers. This illegal act includes portraying oneself as a law enforcement official or utilizing symbols or devices that may convey the existence of police powers. Such actions can lead to severe consequences as per the law. Security guards must operate within their authorized boundaries, ensuring the safety and security of people and properties, while avoiding any activities that may cause confusion or mislead the public regarding their roles and authorities.

Security guards who pose as police officers may be charged with crimes such as fraud, personation with intent to gain advantage, and corruption of a public office. Convictions can result in penalties including fines, imprisonment, or both. Specific charges and consequences may vary, and those accused have the right to legal representation. It’s crucial that security personnel adhere to professional standards and respect the role of law enforcement.

How do concierge security guards contribute to a property’s bottom line?

Concierge security guards play a crucial role in enhancing a property’s financial performance. By deterring criminal activity, reducing liability, and improving safety and security, they help minimize costs and protect property values. Moreover, their professional and welcoming demeanor contributes to tenant satisfaction, attracts high-end clients, and potentially increases property values. Thus, their presence not only ensures a secure environment but also has a positive impact on the property’s overall reputation and profitability.

How does Mobile Patrol Security Service help to prevent crime?

Mobile Patrol Security Service helps to prevent crime in several ways. First, the high visibility of mobile patrol guards and marked vehicles acts as a deterrent to potential criminals. Second, the random nature of mobile patrols makes it difficult for criminals to predict when the property will be unattended, which reduces the likelihood of theft or vandalism. Third, mobile patrol guards are trained to identify and respond to security risks, which allows them to take proactive steps to prevent incidents before they occur.

Can a security guard obstruct or interfere with an individual’s freedom of movement?

Security guards are prohibited from unnecessarily impeding or disturbing an individual’s freedom of movement. They can only intervene when there is a legitimate reason, such as ensuring the safety of people or protecting property. Obstructing or interfering with a person’s freedom of movement is a breach of their Charter rights. This means that security guards must exercise caution and only take action when it is genuinely required to maintain a safe and secure environment. Any unnecessary obstruction or interference may lead to legal consequences, because it violates the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms. It is essential that security guards are adequately trained to understand and respect the boundaries of their authority, and to act in a manner that upholds the principles of the Charter.

What is your company’s definition of harassment?

Harassment, as defined by Third Watch Protection Services, refers to any form of unwanted behaviour, either verbal or physical, that is directed towards an individual based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Such behaviour can encompass a wide range of actions, including the use of slurs, jokes, and stereotypes, as well as threats, intimidation, and the display of offensive images. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and any behavior that creates a hostile or abusive environment may be considered harassment.

What is the company’s policy regarding security guards and road rage while using a company vehicle?

Third Watch Protection Services has adopted a strict no-tolerance policy towards any kind of aggressive or hazardous driving, including road rage, irrespective of the circumstances. Our security personnel are required to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and safe driving practices while operating company vehicles at all times.

This policy is in place to ensure the safety of our guards, our clients, and the general public. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. We believe that by promoting a culture of safety and responsibility, we can provide the best possible service to our clients and protect the well-being of everyone on the road.

At Third Watch Protection Services, we take this issue very seriously, and we are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful driving environment. Our guards undergo rigorous training to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to operate a vehicle safely and professionally, and we regularly review and update our policies to reflect the latest best practices in the industry.

I want to break my contract with my current security provider, but they are refusing to let me go. What can I do?

Before considering canceling a security contract, it is essential to thoroughly review the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. Pay particular attention to any penalties associated with early termination. If you cannot find valid reasons to break the contract, it may still be possible to negotiate with the security provider to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. By engaging in open and respectful communication, you may be able to avoid costly penalties and maintain a positive relationship with your service provider. Remember, clear and concise communication is key to resolving any potential conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise during the cancellation process.

Note: Upon deciding to end your contract with your current provider, it is recommended to give a 30-day notice in writing. However, if your provider is found to be operating illegally or with an expired license, the notice period can be shortened to as few as 5 business days.

I encountered a security guard at my workplace who was speaking in a language other than English. Is this allowed?

While security guard policies may vary, it is generally expected that they possess effective English communication skills. This ability is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of the premises and facilitating interactions with all individuals on the property. If this is not the case, it is vital to inform your supervisor or the Human Resources department of Third Watch Protection Services so that they can handle the situation and guarantee adherence to company policy. This matter is of great importance and should be addressed promptly to maintain a secure and efficient working environment.

Who was the first to establish a security organization?

The Night Watch, established in 1668 in Amsterdam, is recognized as the initial security organization. This group was responsible for patrolling streets during nighttime hours and maintaining order, often considered the forerunner to modern police forces. With a focus on preserving peace and ensuring safety, the Night Watch set a precedent for future security organizations, ultimately paving the way for the development of structured law enforcement agencies. This historical institution significantly contributed to the concept of urban security and remains an essential component of the evolution of public safety.

What should I do if I discovered that the security guard provided by my current security company is not licensed?

In the event that you find out the security guard safeguarding your business is not licensed, you must get in touch with your security provider right away to rectify the situation. It is crucial to verify that the individuals responsible for protecting your business are qualified, experienced, and possess the necessary licenses. A lack of proper credentials can put your business at risk and lead to potential legal issues. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the hiring of licensed and trained security professionals to ensure the safety and security of your business operations.

If the security company you hired is not willing to address the issue of an unlicensed security guard, it may be time to start looking for a new provider. The safety and security of your business should always be a top priority, and partnering with a reputable and licensed security company is a crucial aspect of achieving that. By working with a licensed security provider, you can have confidence that the guards protecting your business have undergone thorough background checks and training, and are held to high standards of professional conduct. If your current security provider is unable or unwilling to meet these standards, it may be in your best interest to find a new company that prioritizes the safety and security of your business.

Can security guard’s vlog themselves while on the job?

Third Watch Protection Services has implemented a policy that advises security guards against creating vlogs during work hours. The main task of a security guard is to maintain the safety and security of the property and individuals under their surveillance. Engaging in vlogging activities can divert the security guard’s attention from their primary duties, potentially leading to a decrease in the level of security provided. By discouraging vlogging, Third Watch Protection Services aims to ensure that its security guards remain focused and committed to their essential responsibilities.

Are security companies in Ontario allowed to hire convicted criminals?

Security companies are not prohibited from hiring individuals with criminal records, but they must conduct thorough background checks to ensure that the applicant is suitable for the role. The Ministry of Solicitor General, which regulates the security industry in Ontario, requires security companies to ensure that their employees are ‘of good character.’ This means that the company must consider the nature and gravity of the offense, the length of time since the offense, and the relevance of the offense to the position being applied for.

If a security company hires an individual with a criminal record who is not suitable for the position, the company could face disciplinary action from the Ministry of Solicitor General. This could include fines, suspension or revocation of the company’s license, or other penalties. Additionally, if the security guard with a criminal record commits a crime while on the job, the company could be held liable for any damages or injuries that result.

Is it possible to hold a security company accountable for covering up misconduct by one of their guards?

In the event that a security firm conceals wrongdoing, they may be held responsible for any resulting damages or injuries, including physical harm, emotional distress, and financial losses. If you believe you have a legal claim, a lawyer can assist in evaluating its validity and navigating the process of pursuing it. This may involve investigating the alleged misconduct, gathering evidence, and negotiating with the security company or their insurance provider to reach a settlement. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the lawyer may proceed to file a lawsuit and represent you in court.

Can a security guard legally violate someone’s Charter of Rights?

Security guards are prohibited from infringing upon an individual’s Charter of Rights. These guards are subject to the same laws as any other citizen, and they must uphold an individual’s rights and freedoms. They are obligated to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the law, just like any other member of society. In fact, security guards play a crucial role in protecting the rights and safety of individuals, and they must do so in a manner that is consistent with the law. Any actions taken by a security guard that violate an individual’s rights could result in legal consequences for the guard and the company they represent. Therefore, it is essential that security guards receive proper training on the limits of their authority and the importance of respecting the rights and freedoms of all individuals.

Does a security guard have the authority to place their hand on me, even if I did nothing wrong?

Security guards generally lack the power to physically touch or restrain individuals without proper cause or consent. However, if a security guard suspects that someone is engaged in illegal activities or poses a threat to others’ safety, they may need to take action, which could involve physical contact. The rules governing the use of force by security guards differ by location, so it’s essential to be aware of local laws and regulations. In general, security guards must exercise caution and restraint when using physical force, and any use of force must be proportionate to the threat posed. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in legal consequences for the security guard and their employer.

Are security guards in Ontario allowed to use a choke hold on an uncooperative person?

Security guards are prohibited from using choke holds as a restraint method. The use of force by security personnel is governed by strict regulations established by the province. Choke holds are considered excessive force and are, hence, not allowed. This restriction is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved, as the use of excessive force can lead to serious injury or even death. By adhering to these regulations, security guards can maintain a safe and secure environment while respecting the rights and dignity of all persons.

Who created the word ‘Security’?

The term ‘security’ originates from the Latin word ‘securitas,’ which translates to freedom from worry or care. This modern English term has been in use since the 15th century and is not attributed to a particular individual for its creation. The concept of security has evolved over time and encompasses various aspects of protection and safety in contemporary society.

Why is it important for a security guard to fill out the daily activity report?

Completing the daily activity report is a critical task for security guards, as it provides a detailed record of their actions and observations during their shift. This documentation serves as valuable evidence in the event of incidents or security breaches, enabling proper investigation and resolution. Moreover, it assists management in evaluating the guard’s performance, identifying potential areas for improvement, and providing constructive feedback. By accurately filling out these reports, guards contribute to the overall effectiveness and professionalism of the security team, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.

Is it ever acceptable for concierge security guards to accept bribes from condo residents for special favours?

Concierge security guards must never accept bribes, as it undermines their ability to carry out duties objectively and can result in security breaches. Upon refusal of a bribe, politeness is key, and the incident should be reported to a supervisor promptly. Doing so maintains the security team’s integrity and professionalism, and benefits the community they serve. A failure to adhere to this policy can lead to severe consequences, including disciplinary action and damage to professional reputation. The concierge security guard’s primary obligation is to ensure the safety and security of the community, which cannot be compromised under any circumstances.

What should you do if you suspect that a security guard is not performing their duties effectively?

If you believe a security guard is not fulfilling their duties properly, it’s recommended to initially communicate your concerns directly with the guard, if appropriate. If the problem continues, you should reach out to the security guard company, detailing particular examples and presenting evidence of the guard’s inadequate performance. The company must then take suitable measures to rectify the situation, which may involve offering additional training or replacing the guard. It is essential to ensure that safety and security standards are upheld.

Is it legal for security guards to handcuff a mentally unstable person on the street for their own protection?

Security guards are typically not permitted to handcuff individuals for protection purposes, except in situations of self-defense or defense of others. It is generally advised that security guards prioritize the safety of the person in question by summoning medical or law enforcement assistance. This approach ensures the well-being of all parties involved, adheres to legal boundaries, and escalates the situation to trained professionals when necessary. By maintaining a focus on safety and observing legal limitations, security guards can effectively fulfill their responsibilities while minimizing potential risks.

Can security guards make up charges to arrest someone?

Security guards do not have the power to fabricate charges or arbitrarily arrest someone. Their authority is limited to making a citizen’s arrest if they personally witness the commission of a misdemeanor or felony. It is essential to understand that security guards’ responsibilities and limitations are crucial in maintaining public safety and trust. Any abuse of power or false accusations can lead to legal consequences and damage the reputation of the security industry. Therefore, security guards must adhere to strict guidelines and protocols when carrying out their duties to ensure they operate within the law and uphold the principles of justice and fairness.

If you are interested in the new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email mail@thirdwatchprotection.com to get started!