Guarding Against Threats: The Role of Security Personnel in Warehouse and Distribution Centre Protection

What to Know About Adding on to Your Security System With Security Staff

Developing a security plan that works for your warehouse can be a very complex process. The factors that make these security plans so complicated include:

  • The sheer size of the warehouse
  • Multiple entrances or garage-style doors
  • Poor or minimal camera placement around the property
  • Inadequate key or passcode controls for employees
  • Blind spots in traditional building security systems
  • And even, faulty inventory control processes that leave you vulnerable to internal theft

If any of the points above are failing to secure your warehouse location properly, one key way to improve your loss-prevention plan is simply to add mobile security patrols to your workplace. If you’re looking to hire or to better manage your on-location security, trust the experts at Third Watch Protection Services to help.

What can I expect from mobile security service?

Mobile security service can be placed around your property and on a schedule that best fits your needs. This could mean running a nighttime patrol to ensure no trespassers enter your property while operations are closed, or it could be placing guards inside or outside the warehouse to secure employee interactions during the workday.

No matter the duties you assign, you can expect security guards to provide detailed log sheets or reports each day, ensure the safety of all employees while on duty and protect the contents of your warehouse. Even though it may not be our job to do inventory, it’s also a good practice for security guards to have a role in your company’s inventory control processes.

If you had to evaluate your current provider; how would you evaluate them?

If you’re currently using an external security provider to augment your warehouse security plan, how well are they fulfilling the needs of your business? If you’re unsure of your answer or if you know that there’s room for improvement, then consulting with other providers may be advisable.

While this may seem drastic, poor security processes on the warehouse floor could mean that you’re losing out on thousands of dollars each year in pilferage, mistakes in inventory, or major theft. These incidents should be taken seriously and require a security provider capable of managing security incidents properly.

What can Third Watch Protection Services do to secure your facilities?

Third Watch Protection Services is willing to help with any warehouse or distribution centre to combat these issues. Our guards are required to fulfill their duties, including being vigilant always. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy company to do random or scheduled patrols on your property, feel free to contact us. You can reach us at 1-888-444-5232 or email us at Let’s get started!