Preventing Losses in Retail: Essential Tips for Preventing Petty Theft in Your Retail Store

Protecting Your Retail Establishment & Employees Against Petty Theft

How often have you received shoplifters in your retail store? And as a result, how much revenue do you lose annually to theft?

Retail stores and shopping malls bring in masses of people of all types — especially during key times of the year. With such a considerable amount of foot traffic to contend with, it can be difficult to ensure all customers and employees are safe, secure and law-abiding at all times.

As a retailer, shoplifting is often an underlying threat to your business and that threat is growing. Between the 2017 and 2019, reported incidents of shoplifting of $5,000 and under in Canada rose 14% according to Statistics Canada (see the statistics here:

Shoplifting isn’t the only threat that’s cause for concern in retail security — the rate of employees being assaulted in the workplace is also rising. These assaults can occur as a criminal is perpetrating another crime or more commonly in recent months, during a COVID-related meltdown improperly directed at store employees.

So, how do you protect your business against theft and other crimes in your retail establishment? Security guards can be a great way to protect your business and provide peace of mind.

Just by having a security guard on the premises during business hours, patrons are drastically less likely to shoplift out of fear of being caught. If someone does try to shoplift, security guards are more likely to see the act and address the situation quickly and professionally.

As part of their in-store patrolling, you can trust that your security guard is trained to monitor the area for any suspicious activity, de-escalate hostile situations as they occur, and address any potential threats to the safety and security of your store and employees. These security duties can be especially crucial during peak retail times, such as the holiday season, to provide crowd control and de-escalation of altercations to keep the store running smoothly at all times.

Beyond your physical establishments, security guards can also offer a comforting sense of security to shoppers and an alternate form of in-store assistance (i.e. directions or general information). At night, security guards can also escort customers to their vehicles to ensure their safety in public spaces.

How can Third Watch Protection Services help my business?

Third Watch Protection Services dedicated to helping to reduce criminal activity within retail stores, including shoplifting and assaults. Our security guards are trained to provide skilled in-store patrols, identify potential security incidents, and to manage the situation appropriately without putting store patrons and employees at any further risk. Should an incident occur, you can also be sure that your security guard will notify the authorities and provide a full, detailed report for further records.

As part of our security policies, we utilize a non-physical contact policy. This means that our guards are trained to use de-escalation and other tactics to apprehend potential criminals rather than physical restraints. This policy legally protects your business and Third Watch Protection from potential litigation from thieves should someone be harmed when committing a criminal act.

If you are interested in the new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email to get started!