Beyond the Uniform: What Security Guards Inspect During Their Rounds

Security guards are the unsung heroes of the modern world. They are tasked with the enormous responsibility of protecting the people, property and assets of their clients. To ensure that they carry out their duties effectively, security guards are required to go on regular patrols of the areas under their protection. Patrols are an integral part of security guard duties and are essential in ensuring the safety and security of their clients.

When on patrol, security guards have a specific set of protocols to follow. This is to ensure that they cover all the crucial areas and potential risks in their designated patrol routes. The primary objective of a patrol is to deter and prevent any criminal activity from occurring. To achieve this, security guards must remain alert, vigilant and consistently check for specific signs that indicate potential security threats.

The first thing that security guards check for when on patrol is any signs of forced entry. This could be open windows, damaged doors or locks, and any other unusual damage that could indicate that an intruder has attempted to gain access to the premises. Security guards are trained to be observant and are experts at detecting any unfamiliar or suspicious activity. By checking for signs of forced entry, they can immediately alert authorities and take necessary actions to prevent any security breaches.

Another critical aspect that security guards check for when on patrol is any unauthorized personnel or vehicles on the premises. They will carefully observe the surroundings and check for any unfamiliar people or vehicles in the area. This is because unauthorized individuals or vehicles could be a potential threat to the safety and security of the premises. Security guards are trained to use their judgment and discretion when dealing with such situations. They are required to approach unfamiliar individuals and ask for proper identification or permission to be on the premises. If they are unable to get a satisfactory response, they will follow the necessary protocol to ensure the safety of the premises.

During patrols, security guards also pay close attention to the physical state of the premises. They will check for any signs of damage, such as broken windows, vandalism, or fire hazards. These could pose a risk to the safety of the property and its occupants. By identifying these issues, security guards can address them immediately, preventing any potential harm or damage.

Security Guard Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Monitoring Surveillance Equipment: Security guards are responsible for monitoring surveillance cameras and other security equipment to detect any suspicious activities. They must constantly be on the lookout for any unusual behavior that could indicate a security threat.
  2. Checking Entrances and Exits: Security guards inspect entrances and exits to ensure they are secure and free from any unauthorized individuals. They may check IDs, record visitor information, and enforce access control protocols to prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Inspecting Perimeter Security: Security guards patrol the perimeter of the premises to check for any signs of forced entry, damage to fences or barriers, or any other security breaches. They must be thorough in their inspections to ensure the safety of the premises.
  4. Responding to Alarms: In the event of an alarm being triggered, security guards must respond promptly to investigate the cause. They must assess the situation, determine if there is a genuine security threat, and take appropriate action to mitigate the risk.
  5. Conducting Interior Patrols: Security guards conduct interior patrols to inspect different areas of the premises, including offices, storage rooms, and common areas. They must be alert to any suspicious activities and respond quickly to any security incidents.

In addition to the physical security of the premises, security guards also check for any potential fire hazards. They will ensure that all fire exits are clear, fire extinguishers are in place, and that there are no potential sources of fire such as overloaded electrical sockets. In case of an emergency, security guards are trained to react swiftly and handle the situation efficiently until the fire department arrives.

Common Security Threats:

  1. Unauthorized Access: Security guards must be vigilant in preventing unauthorized individuals from gaining access to the premises. By checking IDs, verifying credentials, and monitoring access points, security guards can effectively control who enters the premises.
  2. Theft and Vandalism: Security guards must be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior that could indicate theft or vandalism. By conducting regular patrols and inspections, security guards can deter criminals and protect the assets of the organization.
  3. Safety Hazards: Security guards must also be aware of potential safety hazards within the premises, such as slippery floors, faulty equipment, or blocked emergency exits. By identifying and addressing these hazards during their inspections, security guards can help prevent accidents and injuries.

Lastly, security guards are required to maintain accurate and thorough documentation of their patrols. They will document any observations, unusual activities or incidents that occurred during their patrol. This documentation is crucial in providing a record of the security measures taken and allows for the identification of any security loopholes that need to be addressed.

In conclusion

Security guards play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of their clients. When on patrol, they are required to be thorough, observant and vigilant. Their primary objective is to protect the people, property and assets of their clients. By checking for signs of forced entry, unauthorized individuals, physical hazards, and maintaining accurate documentation, security guards ensure that their clients’ safety is not compromised. The next time you see a security guard on patrol, remember that they are constantly checking for any potential security threats to keep you and your surroundings safe.

If you are interested in a new security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email Let’s get started!