Vacation Security Checklist: Essential Steps for Peace of Mind While You’re on Vacation

8 Easy Home Security Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

Going on vacation is often a rare opportunity to simply relax. But when worries about your home security starts to creep in, it can quickly turn your holiday into an anxious ordeal. So how can you prevent your vacation security-stress? With a few pre-trip preparations and some simple travel tips, you can be on your way — to your vacation destination AND true peace of mind.

Here are 8 easy security tips to ensure that your home is safe and secure while you are away:

1. Notify Your Alarm Company

Should you have an alarm system installed in your home, alert your provider of your vacation to have them monitor your home more closely. If they suspect something is out of the ordinary, some companies have a mobile patrol guard that can be sent to inspect your home in-person to ensure your home is secure from intruders.

2. Notify Your Neighbours Of Your Absence

In the days leading up to your vacation, make time to alert a trusted neighbour, family member, or friend of your travel plans and ask them to keep an eye on your property while you’re away. Be specific about your travel dates and be sure to share your contact details (like your phone number or hotel address) should your helper not have these details already. Most people will happily help out and can alert the local authorities promptly should they notice any suspicious activity.

3. Stop Your Mail and Newspapers

An obvious sign that homeowners are on vacation is usually the stack of newspaper left on the front porch for days on end. But often, it’s something that homeowners forget to consider prior to a vacation.

Simply, call Canada Post or your local newspaper office and arrange to stop delivery for the duration of your trip. This is a common request and most outlets can process this request easily on your behalf.

4. Hook Up A Ring Wireless Video Doorbell

Video doorbells are a great new tool for home security — whether part of a robust security system or as a standalone security feature. When pressed, these doorbells can enable you to answer your door from a smartphone instead of having to physically open your door.

When on vacation, this doorbell can help to deter thieves that may be looking to break into unoccupied homes. For maximum security using this tool, if someone rings your video doorbell while you’re away, respond by saying that you are home but unable to answer the door instead of saying you are away/on vacation.

5. Ensure All Windows And Doors Are Locked and Secure

Before a trip, it’s not uncommon to quickly circle your home to ensure your doors are locked. But it can be easy to forget to check the locks on your windows (especially less-frequently-used or second story windows), doors leading to the garage, or cellar doors as well.

Secure your vehicle and contents by parking in your garage, if you can. If you are unable to park in your garage, ensure your garage door will remain securely shut by removing all garage door openers/remotes from your vehicles parked outside.

6. Leave A Light On

While it’s a common habit to switch off every light before you leave home to conserve energy, it’s a typical sign that criminals watch for when you’re away.

To avoid this common pitfall, leave some lights on within your house, ask a housesitter to switch lights on and off regularly, or use a timer or SMART device to power on lights at regular intervals during your trip.

7. Limit The Information You Share With Your Driver

In recent years, the public has seen an increase in crimes committed by drivers (from popular ride-sharing companies, taxi services, etc.) against their passengers. While these crimes are being committed by a small percentage of drivers and the majority of drivers do not serve as a threat to customers, it’s an opportunity to rethink the information you choose to share with your driver.

If you’re planning on taking a taxi or using a ride-sharing service to get to the airport, consider having them pick you up in a public space, like a coffee shop, instead of at your home. While chatting with the driver during your ride, also be sure to limit the amount of information you share about your travel plans, like how long you plan to be away or specific locations. Lastly, consider having a friend or family member drive you to the airport instead.

8. Skip Your Social Media Post Or Wait Until You Return

We’ve all been there — you’re having the time of your life on vacation, you’ve taken the perfect beach or monument photo, and now, you want to post it on Instagram or Facebook to show your friends what a great time you’re having. But by posting that picture, what you might not have realized is that you’ve shared an opportunity to thieves.

Despite profile privacy settings, many criminals have been known to access social media in order to target potential victims. By alerting these thieves that you’re currently away, you’ve let them know that your home is unoccupied and given them a chance to break-in with significantly less risk.

Need More Security?

If you are looking for reliable and trustworthy company to protect your home while on vacation, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help. We specialize in mobile patrols and can do random or scheduled check-ins to update you regularly on your home security. If your home is already equipped with an alarm, we can respond to all calls to ensure the safety of your home.

Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email to get started!