Choose Trustworthy Security: Unveiling the Top 5 Reasons to Opt for Third Watch Protection Services for Security

When considering who to hire for your company’s or personal security, it can be difficult to decide who to trust. As one of the foremost security company in the Hamilton area, Third Watch Protection Services offers high-quality services and a personal touch to ensure you have a trustworthy ally on your side. Here’s how we can help:

Our Professionalism

The safety and security of clients is the core of our business. As such, we maintain full compliance with industry standards and full legal status with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. We also hold liability insurance coverage of up to $2 million in order to be fully in accordance with government legislation.

To learn more about how legal status impacts you and your security provider, click here.

Our Expertise

Michael Rose, CEO of Third Watch Protection, has been providing security services for over 22 years – almost a decade of which with CBSA Immigration Inland. During that time, Rose has gained a vast amount of knowledge through all aspects of security. He also received a commendation from the Directors of Canada Border Service Agency when, in a two-week span, his quick actions proved life-saving in two separate incidents. Based on this experience, Third Watch Protection offers a unique skillset and their valuable experience to each security client.

Our Customized Service & Open Communication

We recognize that each company or individual has different needs when it comes to their security. As such, we strive to provide individualized service to best address the issues that concern our clients most. We offer one-on-one service and open dialogue to ensure that our clients’ needs are met fully.

We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

We value the trust that each client places in our security. In order to safeguard that trust, we guarantee our work. If a problem arises on the job, we’ll do our best to resolve it before it can escalate further.

Your Peace of Mind

When it comes to hiring a security company, we realize that what most companies need is simply peace of mind — the knowledge that someone is looking out for their best interests. We can offer clients more than that. As mentioned above, we offer clients the utmost in professional capabilities and standards. Beyond that, we used communication as a tool to manage any issues that may arise with ease. You can be truly confident in your security with Third Watch Protection.

If you are interested in new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your property. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email to get started!