To Government Agency Security: The Vital Role of Security Agents in Government Safety and Compliance

What should you expect from your security provider?

At any level of government, both as an employee or as an external service provider, workers must meet specific criteria, fulfill certain duties, and follow outlined protocols per government standards. As agents providing government security, we play a vital role ensuring that all employees, visitors, or detainees (depending on the type of government agency) are safe from potential threats.

As a representative of a government agency, what should you be looking for when hiring a security provider?

One of the initial things you should be researching before even contacting a security provider is whether or not that company is properly licensed through the Ontario government (for more information on security licenses, click here). Once you’ve gathered several companies to interview that you’ve confirmed are properly licensed to conduct security work in the province, you should then interview each company to determine whether their professional services and employee culture align with the needs and goals of your agency. Within that interview, you should also ask that company to provide you with the necessary documentation of their active security license and their liability insurance policy for your records. If the company you are interviewing fail to provide you with these items, that may be an indication that they are not properly insured and therefore should not be hired.

Once the interview process is complete, you’ll then need to consider staffing. The most important aspect of providing this type of security is establishing the right personnel are in place for the job at hand. This may include ensuring that there are enough available staff to cover the desired weekly schedule. This should also include security management to ensure that each guard is properly supported in their roles, is monitored for efficacy, and is completing their duties to a high standard of quality. Depending on the needs of your particular government agency, you may also need to consider conducting additional team training for specific security situations (i.e. use of force training, etc.).

Third Watch Protection Services is fully trained to meet the demands of a government agency. We provide the following:

  • Emergency Response Planning
  • Security Surveys and Inspections
  • Security Force Work Planning
  • Maintain and security for daily government activities
  • Conduct surveillance on protesters if it occurs on or off the government institution
  • Highly trained security guards
  • Access control for restricted areas
  • Mobile Patrol Service
  • Offer support to our security personnel, including random inspections
  • 24/7 live dispatch
  • Event security and crowd management
  • Security services and administrative support in detention centres
  • Specialized training, including terrorist threat rising awareness
  • Yearly training in Use of Force training, including certain scenarios that occur on site
  • Quarterly evaluation of each member of personnel, including supervisors and service manager. Clients will receive copies of our inspection reports
  • Active management protocols in place to reduce the cost of overtime and absenteeism in the workplace
  • Ensure that all personnel are in full uniform per employer standards
  • Shift Supervisor, including Service Manager will be required to conduct random patrol on the floor and be required to scan each checkpoint. Supervisors will be required to perform three patrols on each floor, and assist security personnel in searches, if required
  • Electronic reports, including incident reports must be submitted per shift by personnel, supervisors, and service manager

Third Watch Protection Services is offering security for Government Institutions or office buildings. If you are interested in the new Security provider, Third Watch Protection Services is here to help protect your institution or office buildings. Call us today at 1-888-444-5232 or email to get started!