Frequently Asked Questions

Of course! Third Watch is absolutely a real company. We have an owner that is proud to call Southern Ontario his home and a staff made up with entirely real people. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services was so pleased with our knowledge and abilities that they licensed us to operate in the area. Third Watch is fully Incorporated, and the owner and CEO, Michael Rose, has a valid Ontario Security Guard License. In addition, Third Watch has a commercial insurance policy with a two million dollar liability. Long story short, you’re safe if you choose us.

No. Third Watch hires only the best. Sure, you may be good at protecting your own piggy bank, but we demand more out of our employees. If you want to become one of our elite crew, you need to have a valid Ontario Security Guard License.

In addition to having a valid Ontario Security Guard License, all our employees have the Health & Safety 4-steps Workers Awareness accreditation as well as WHMIS training. In addition, we hire diligent and dedicated workers – people who want to have an honest day’s work to earn an honest day’s pay, people who know how to provide great customer service, and people who are proud of their professions and their company. Does that sound like you? If not, keep stepping.

Yes, but with conditions. You must be legally allowed to work in Canada. You need to have a Canadian SIN to work off campus. You can work up to 20 hours per week during the school year and full-time during school breaks if you meet the criteria outlined in paragraph 186(v) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

NOTE: We may require a copy of your study permit.

If you hold a valid study permit but are not attending college or university, please do not apply with us. We can’t hire you if you aren’t fulfilling the requirements of your permit. Check out the link below to see if you qualify to apply at Third Watch.

The big companies have a great degree of built-in trust. Simply put, they have established their name in the market and some people turn to them for their security needs. Generally, large international companies know what they’re doing to some extent, but they often have one-size-fits-all packages. This means they off lack individuation and customer service. And, if they make a mistake, it can be hard to resolve an issue to the client’s satisfaction. In contrast, a smaller security company like Third Watch thrives in the local markets.

The CEO of our company, Michael Rose, has an area code you recognize. In fact, there’s a strong chance that you will meet him when negotiating a contract with Third Watch. In turn, this means that Michael Rose and his team will take the time to get to know you and your company, understand your needs, and design a security plan that is specific to you. You don’t need to fit into the mold of a large organization because Third Watch will work to make a package just for you.

And, if you have an issue or a question or you just want to have a cup of coffee with our CEO, give him a shout and he will take the time to serve you.

You bet! Unlike some of our competitors, Third Watch Protection Services is in full compliance with the Ministry. Third Watch follows all Federal and Provincial laws. We hold ourselves to high standards and we can easily pass inspection from federal agencies. In contrast, some security companies cut corners and avoid compliance either due to negligence or ignorance. Could you really trust a company that has those traits? Ask Third Watch for our letter of compliance, and we will produce if swiftly. If you’re still not sold, ask some of our competitors for their letters and then listen to the many excuses they might make.

Third Watch Protection Services has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to workplace harassment. Our guards will never harass your employees, patrons or visitors. We appreciate people of all races, ages, orientations, sexes, religions, and any other distinction you can think of. If we ever were to catch a security guard violating our policy, he or she will be moved from the site pending investigation and, if found guilty, he or she will be terminated immediately.

Third Watch offers a vast array of services. We design individual packages for each of our clients. Your business is unique, so why shouldn’t you have a unique security plan to protect it? At this time, we do not provide security for liquor stores because our insurance doesn’t cover us for that. But, we provide security for a wide range of other businesses. For a list of our many services and companies that we frequently deal with, please see this link.

The Owner & CEO of Third Watch, Michael Rose, has 22 years of experience in the Security industry. That means he’s been excelling in security over the span of two different millennia. Like many others, Michael Rose started in an entry level position, putting in long hours as he worked his way up the ranks.

Among his other positions, Rose worked alongside Canada Border Service Agency Immigration for 9.5 years. Sharp and hardworking, Michael Rose has been recognized for his excellence, including receiving two special commendations and a President’s Humanitarian Awards from G4S Secure Solutions Ltd. for saving two lives within a two-week span. In short, Michael Rose is an expert in security and he has worked to find a solid management team and staff that lives up to his high standards.

Of course. We tend to excel in the services that we provide, so we haven’t had much experience with dealing with complaints. However, on the rare occasions we have received complaints, Third Watch Protection Services has taken them very seriously. If we have done something below our usual standards, we’d like to know about it so we can work to rectify your issue and ensure that we don’t make the same mistake again. Got a complaint? Use this link, provide information, attach a pic or video, and we will give it our undivided attention. We will do our best to make things right in a timely manner. And we will contact you with the outcome so that you can be confident we have dealt with your issue adequately.

NOTE: All complaints we receive are considered confidential. We follow the Ontario Privacy Protection Act.

Don’t be ridiculous. Third Watch security guards know how to defuse situations using their words, their authority, and (if necessary) by summoning the local authorities. They have no need to place their hands on any member of the public. Third Watch has a Zero Tolerance policy to ensure our guards follow protocol. And, as you read above, Third Watch is a pretty cool place to work, so our guards wouldn’t want to do anything that would get them terminated.

You’ve found us! But don’t just take our word for that. We know there are other security companies in the market and, as we’re pleasant and fair evaluators, we also know that some of these other companies are also good at what they do. However, we’re confident that we’re better, and we’d love the opportunity to show you.

But, just as you wouldn’t buy the first car at the first dealership you visited, you shouldn’t hire a security company without kicking a few tires and doing your own research. In the end, you ought to find a company that is insured, that understands your needs, that provides excellent service, and that you feel comfortable working with.

Contrary to a popular myth, PSISA is not simply a misspelling of the word “pizza”. In fact, it’s nowhere near as delicious and the makers didn’t deliver it in 30 minutes. However, PSISA is equally important because it stands for Private Security and Investigative Services Act. All security employers and employees are required to abide by this Act. If security companies violate the act, they will be held accountable by the Ministry.

As such, you’d assume all security companies follow it and read it as their Bible. Think again. Some security companies don’t even know it exists and many unwittingly violate aspects of it on a regular basis. Eventually, the government usually tracks them down. But this could take years – bureaucracies, you know? Would you feel safe knowing the security company you have hired violates regulations? Of course not. Make sure to quiz security companies you consider to test their knowledge.

PSISB stands for Private Security and Investigative Services Branch. This agency ensures that we security companies follow regulations and are in full compliance. When security companies violate aspects of PSISA, PSISB doesn’t order extra cheese, it issues fines. They may even revoke the license of a repeat offender. At Third Watch, we work hard to follow all PSISA regulations and have a wonderful relationship with PSISB.

NOTE: If you think your security company is violating the PSISA Code of Conduct, contact the PSISB and file a complaint.

For individual offenders, convictions under Part III can lead to a fine of up to $25,000, imprisonment for up to one year, or both. Below you will see examples of offences under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act of Ontario. Fines for many of these offences range from $100 to $250 per offence.
Above, we told you Third Watch designs packages just for you, remember? You want long term? You got it! You want month-to-month? You betcha! You want to pay per patrol? Yeah, we can do that too. Long-term customers get discounts, so at some point that is probably the way to go. But if you want to test us out for a month or two, be our guests.
Yes! Our main goal is customer satisfaction. If you and your business are pleased with our services, tell someone. If that person also owns a business and hires us as well, you will get 20% off your next invoice. Want more discounts? Keep referring us! Third Watch thrives on word-of-mouth testimonies.
Some security companies bill clients for services they have not delivered. Third Watch will never do that. Instead of staking out your building 24/7 to confirm that guards are doing their jobs, ask your security company for proof of performance. If they can’t deliver that, maybe it’s time to search for a new security company. Third Watch guards document all their activities, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. We’re at your building when you can’t be.

Yes! We work to develop true relationships with our clients. Thus, communication is essential. As companies evolve, their needs change. We can’t provide excellent customer service if we don’t know how our partners are evolving. So we do our best to grow together.

You bet! Third Watch supports and works hand-in-hand with the police services not only in Hamilton but also in many nearby areas. When our guards find themselves in a sticky situation, it’s great to have this good relationship with local law enforcement. They come quickly when we summon them and then we do whatever we can to assist their police work.

Absolutely! At Third Watch, we believe all people are created equal, and we do our best to support the LGBTQ community and all other communities and minority groups. Unfortunately, the Hamilton region has the highest hate crime rates in the country, so Third Watch is willing to do anything it can to help keep everyone safe.
We aim to be the most cost-effective security agency in the region, so we base our rates on a variety of factors including hours on duty, kilometers traveled, and the size of your premises. If you want to know more about our costs, click here and set up a meeting to discuss your specific needs.

It is extremely important that all Security guards are familiar with the regulations in Health and Safety by completing all appropriate training courses. That way, should we find something or someone out of line, we can step up and enforce regulations. These rules are in place for the safety of everyone, so it’s good to make sure they are followed.

Yes. People work hard to earn money, so why would anyone think they can get paid for doing nothing? Whether you’re absent, sleeping, or otherwise shirking responsibilities, you’re not doing the job you’re being paid for. Unfortunately, the security field is notorious for time theft because security guards and mobile patrols operate when the business owner is absent. If you’re unsure that your current security company is performing its duties, you should investigate the matter.

At Third Watch, we ensure that all our employees work their scheduled hours and perform their scheduled duties. Unless they are handling an emergency elsewhere, you can be assured that when you’re paying your Third Watch invoice, you are paying only for service well performed.

Verified Alarm Response is a dispatch protocol employed by emergency response departments in an effort to reduce false alarms. In plain English, this means that police and fire departments won’t dispatch their crew unless an emergency alarm has been confirmed. Monitoring centres typically call businesses and residences and speak to someone on site to ask if there is a real emergency. If you’re not on site, they will offer to send a guard to inspect the site to determine if there is a real emergency. Third Watch responds to such alarms and is able to save you costly false alarm fees charged by emergency units.
We evaluate our security guards on a quarterly basis. The purpose of the evaluation is to ensure that all guards uphold their post duties, health and safety and PSISA regulations. If a guard fails their evaluation or fails to meet client standards, the guard may be removed from the worksite.

We partnered up with KC Security Services in Sault St Marie, Ontario and RSPNDR in Toronto, Ontario. We are interested in partnering with other companies.

Yes, we offer security services to patrol the premises. Guards are also available to monitor the interior of a facility as needed. In the event of an incident, guards are required to notify their mobile supervisor.
Our management team performs site visits on a weekly basis. During a site inspection visit, a manager looks to verify that our security guard is at his/her post, wearing the proper uniform, and performing their required post duties. We review the daily reports, check for incidents, and confirm that there were no significant changes that might affect the effectiveness of the security plan. All findings are recorded in the Security Guard Inspection Report and relayed to you directly. If our management team noticed a discrepancy between the guard and client, we will ensure that all problems are resolved quickly.
While you can hire a security provider from any city, you will likely find that there are some advantages to hiring locally. For example, if an incident were to occur on your premises, an out-of-town provider may have significantly slower response times in sending a mobile supervisor to help manage the incident and any resolution efforts. On the other hand, a local provider could ensure their manager is onsite within minutes.

Ultimately, each client will need to evaluate their priorities and make their decision on an individual basis.

While every business, location, and industry has its own unique security challenges, most clients decide to hire private security out of necessity. Whether to meet health & safety requirements, to address specific hazards, or to reduce criminal activity, Third Watch Protection Services provides personalized security plans and reliable guard services.
Third Watch Protection Services does not currently offer training services. Instead, we highly recommend Ontario Security Hub’s online training course, available here. For more information about the course, please contact Ontario Security Hub directly.
Yes, if you have abandoned building and someone is injured or dies on your property, you will be held accountable as a property owner. In order to avoid any liability, a security service may be in your best interests to ensure people remain off-premises.

A security guard’s main objective is to observe and report in order to protect clients from injury, theft or otherwise. Beyond that, security guards may make citizen’s arrest under certain conditions. All actions undertaken by a licensed security guard will need to uphold the PSISA and Criminal Code of Canada.

For further information on PSISA and the Criminal Code of Canada, click here.

Yes. At any time, any member of the public has the right to ask a security guard to present their Ontario Guard License. If the guard refuses to show their license, you have the right to file a complaint with the guard’s employer and/or the PSISB.

Yes, we currently offer parking services to condominium and apartment complex buildings. Through our website, we offer a vehicle registration form that vehicle owners may use to park according to the building’s standards of overnight parking. If an owner fails to register their car before midnight or is parked in a handicap space without a valid permit, our mobile personnel will issue a ticket in the amount of $450 CAD. For more information on this service, please contact us.

Yes. Our personnel will always be required to maintain the front desk, greet residents and monitor the building. Depending on the client’s requirements, the concierge can also patrol each floor and underground parking to ensure that there are no suspicious activities occurring.

Having security on-site or a mobile patrol service will usually eliminate the cause. Routine patrols on the jobsite from on-site security guards after hours can help to prevent or mitigate the risk of trespassers. Any trespassers caught may receive criminal charges for being on private property and if they cause damages, they will receive jail time for mischief under or above $5000.

Yes. Third Watch Protection Services can assist you in protecting your filming locations, assist local authorities in protecting actors and equipment, and help to prevents delays on set from external noise or trespassers.

Third Watch Protection Services has opportunities in the following positions:

  • Security Guard
  • Mobile Patrol Guard
  • Security Supervisor
  • Sales Representative – Commission-based for 3 months. Depending on number of sales during your probationary periods, you be hired full time salary rate.
  • Client Service Manager

If you are interested in joining Third Watch Protection Services, please feel free to submit your resume along with the position name you’re interested in by email to

Any company that specialized in CCTV products should be well-versed in the different products and services available to use. They should be able to guide you to the right product for your needs and technical ability. Lastly, they should also be fully insured when it comes to product installation and be able to provide proof of insurance before starting your install. If a company fails to provide you with proof of insurance, it’s highly advisable to find another reputable company instead.
While all legal security providers are required to have insurance policies covering any liability, not all insurance policies cover cannabis stores yet as these are relatively new. When hiring a security provider, you will need to ensure that your security provider not only has insurance, but that it also covers cannabis establishments. If your provider can’t support or document this coverage, it’s highly recommended that you find another provider with this coverage.
Unfortunately, no. At this time, we aren’t able to offer enough on-site security personnel for the purpose of events or on-site activities of this nature.

It is highly recommended that you do not hire a security company or agency that is unlicensed. Companies operating without a proper license in Ontario are actually operating illegally, which puts you at high risk should any issues arise. For more information on security licensing and what it means for you, click here.

The answer is no. In order to monitor a liquor establishment on a temporary or permanent basis, the security company will need to be insured in order to complete the work legally. If their insurance excludes a liquor establishment within their policy, they are legally prohibited to accept the work. In the event of an incident, a security provider without a proper insurance policy can jeopardize your business establishment or outdoor events. Before commencing any work, please ensure to check the company’s policy.

All corporate names, logos, uniforms, and marked patrol vehicles need to be approved by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services prior to being used in the field. Once an item has been approved, a written confirmation of approval will be sent from the Ministry. Any non-compliance by a security agency is punishable, including, fines, by the PSISB.

NOTE: At no time, may an unmarked vehicle or strobe lights be used for security reasons.

Under no circumstances may a security guard place anyone in the back of their vehicle. While a security guard may place someone under citizen’s arrest until emergency services arrive, to detain someone in a security vehicle is illegal and punishable by law enforcement.
In Ontario, all security guards are prohibited by referring to themselves as “Officers” of any kind.

In Ontario, each individual Security Guard License expires every two years. Each security guard is responsible for maintaining and updating their licenses on an individual basis.

NOTE: As a security provider, we are responsible for ensuring that our security guards have valid licenses and have a copy included in our personnel files at all times.

The Security guards are permitted to carry handcuffs and baton while on duty. Depending on site requirements, security guards may also be permitted to carry side arms, but lethal weapons of any kind are typically prohibited.

Each individual guard is required to take mandatory Use of Force training every one to two years, including handcuffing and baton. If a guard is untrained but carrying equipment, they are in violation to the PSISA. If you feel that a guard violated the PSISA Code of Conduct, then you have the right to submit a complaint to the PSISB. Complaint form can be found in this link.